2009 Workshop on Graph Theory: Conference Program
January 10-14, 2009

   Saturday, Jan 10      Sunday, Jan 11      Monday, Jan 12      Tuesday, Jan 13      Wednesday, Jan 14  

Saturday, January 10 Place: Info-Libary Buliding
08:00~08:50 Registration
08:50~09:00 Welcoming Remarks Chairman: Xuding Zhu (National Sun Yat-sen University)
Session 1.    Chairman: Xuding Zhu (National Sun Yat-sen University)
09:00~10:00 Plenary Speaker: Pavol Hell (Simon Fraser University)
                   Title: Tree structured graph partitions
10:00~10:30 Tea Break
Session 2.    Chairman: Xuding Zhu (National Sun Yat-sen University)
10:30~11:15 Invited Speaker: Gerard J. Chang (National Taiwan University)
                   Title: Roman domination on 2-connected graphs
11:15~12:00 Invited Speaker: Daniel Kral (Charles University)
                   Title: A new lower bound on the number of perfect matchings in cubic graphs
12:10~13:30 Lunch
Session 3.    Chairman: Daniel Kral (Charles University)
13:30~14:15 Invited Speaker: Jarek Grytczuk (Jagiellonian University)
                   Title: Thue games
14:15~15:00 Invited Speaker: Sen-Peng Eu (National University of Kaohsiung)
                   Title: Plethysm and cyclic sieving on graphs
15:00~15:30 Tea Break
Session 4.    Chairman: Li-Da Tong (National Sun Yat-Sen University)
15:30~16:15 Invited Speaker: Andre Raspaud (University of Bordeaux I)
                   Title: Star Coloring of graphs
16:15~17:00 Invited Speaker: Arnaud Pecher (University of Bordeaux I)
                   Title: Circular-clique polytopes and circular-perfect graphs
17:00~17:10 Tea Break
Session 5.    Chairman: Li-Da Tong (National Sun Yat-Sen University)
17:10~17:35 Contributed Speaker: Tao-Ming Wang (Tunghai University)
                   Title: On edge clique partitions and set representations of graphs
17:35~18:00 Contributed Speaker : Hsin-Hao Lai (Academia Sinica)
                   Title: Fully orientability of graphs with at most one dependent arc
18:00~         Welcome Reception (in Info-Library Buliding)