2009 Workshop on Graph Theory: Conference Program
January 10-14, 2009

   Saturday, Jan 10      Sunday, Jan 11      Monday, Jan 12      Tuesday, Jan 13      Wednesday, Jan 14  

Sunday, January 11 Place: Info-Libary Buliding
08:30~09:00 Registration
Session 1.    Chairman: Gerard J. Chang (National Taiwan University)

09:00~10:00 Plenary Speaker: Douglas B. West (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

                   Title: Degree and on-Line degree Ramsey numbers of graphs

10:00~10:30 Tea Break

Session 2.    Chairman: Gerard J. Chang (National Taiwan University)

10:30~11:15 Invited Speaker: Hung-Lin Fu (National Chiao Tung University)

                   Title:Multicolored subgraphs in an edge-colored graph

11:15~12:00 Invited Speaker: Sandi Klavzar (University of Ljubljana)

                   Title: The packing chromatic number of graphs

12:10~13:30 Lunch

Session 3.    Chairman: Hung-Lin Fu (National Chiao Tung University)

13:30~14:15 Invited Speaker: Balakrishnan Rangaswami (Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre)

                   Title: Coloring parameters of graphs

14:15~15:00 Invited Speaker: Xingxing Yu (Georgia Institute of Technology)

                   Title: Judicious partitions of hypergraphs

15:00~15:30 Tea Break

Session 4.    Chairman: Chin-Mei Kau (Tamkang University)

15:30~16:05 Contributed Speaker: Seog-Jin Kim (Konkuk University)

                   Title: Injective colorings of sparse graphs

16:05~16:30 Contributed Speaker: Nicolas Roussel (National Sun Yat-Sen University)

                   Title: Total coloring planar graphs

16:30~16:40 Tea Break

Session 5.    Chairman: Tsai-Lien Wong (National Sun Yat-sen University)

16:40~17:05 Contributed Speaker : Shinya Fujita (Gunma National College of Technology)

                   Title: Non-separating subgraphs in highly connected graphs

17:05~17:30 Contributed Speaker : Da-Qing Yang (Fuzhou University)

                   Title: Generalization of transitive fraternal augmentations for directed graphs                             and it applications

17:30~17:55 Contributed Speaker : Ardeshir Dolati (Shahed University)

                   Title: The complexity of upward embedding testing

18:00~          Dinner